Friday, February 8, 2008

LOST: Season 4, Episode 1

Welcome to Season 4 of Lost!

While the Series 3 finale didn’t leave us with as much of a cliffhanger as previous seasons, it was one of the most intriguing episodes to date. We saw a crazy, drunken Jack with a beard…and the moment that rocked everyone, when we discover that these events in Jack’s life are taking place AFTER the crash.

In the first minutes of Season 4 we discover that Jack and Kate are 2 of only 6 people to have been rescued from the Island. Hurley is the third. So who else will make up “The Oceanic Six”? One is surely the man (or woman) in the coffin from the Season 3 finale.

As expected, Charlie’s revelation that it is “Not Penny’s Boat” proves to be a crucial point in this episode. Locke wastes no time in exploiting Hurley’s grief, by convincing him that Charlie will have died in vain if they don’t heed his warning. Hurley convinces the Losties that the people on the boat are dangerous and that they should follow Locke to The Others’ abandoned Barracks. Judging by Hurley’s conversation with Jack at the end of this episode, this is a decision that Hurley would later regret.

There are some disturbing moments in this episode, not least of which is Hurley’s encounter with Jacob’s mysterious house, which seems to appear out of nowhere. According to the official “Lost Secret Clues”, the man who spooks Hurley at the window is in fact Jack’s father (whom we know is dead – and also happens to be Clare’s father). Not sure how this is important, but then again we never really know why dead people keep appearing on the island…

After his rescue, Hurley begs to be taken to a Mental Institution after receiving an unwanted visit from Charlie (or, more than likely, Charlie’s ghost). He is also confronted by a disturbing character: a man who claims to be an attorney from Oceanic Air, but quickly turns dark with anger and demands to know whether “they” are still alive. Who? The survivors of Flight 815? The others? It seems that escaping from the Islands doesn’t mean you’ve escaped from the freaky Dharma people.

Hurley earlier dodged a question from a Police Officer (Ana-Lucia’s former partner) and claimed that he had never met Ana Lucia. It appears that those rescued from the Island cannot (or will not) discuss what happened there.

And finally, after another Lostie reunion and another Lostie-group split up, Jack and Kate are waiting alone under a section of their plane (nice link back to where it all began, huh?). The helicopter lands and the man asks, “Are you Jack?”. Well, who wants to know?

Funniest moment: When Bernard encourages Hurley to do something he has often thought about: Cannonball-ing into the ocean.

Saddest moment: Hurley breaks the news to Clare that Charlie is dead.

Biggest potential screw-up: Soon we are going to discover that somebody has made a major, life-altering screw up: either Jack has allowed some terrible people to locate the Island, or John has spoiled their one chance to be rescued. Only one of them can be right.

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